
About Shvilim

Shvilim (paths in Hebrew) is a center for education and nature-based expeditions
established on the beliefs that nature is the best teacher
and that through nature, individuals and groups
undergo strengthening processes and grow.

I grew up in a kibbutz. Therefore the terms group, fellowship, and together have always been a part of me.
I worked with children in the kibbutz greenhouses,
and instructed youth in various education systems and youth movements.
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Non-formal education

activities in towns and settlements mainly for children and youth.

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Instructing and mentoring

children and youth in nature, through fun and empowering experiences.

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instruction for schools

Professional instruction for school teachers and education staffs.

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Hosts workshops

Hosts workshops on philosophy and education.

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Wilderness expeditions

going out to nature and catalyzing change

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Food for thought

With many paths in education, it is possible to advance also those who need
a different mindset and approach.

Let's help them fly!



Bestow emotional security, foster self-esteem, and drive children and youth to personal growth and wellbeing.

Nature Experiences

Provide unique and empowering nature-based experiences and implant confidence for sojourning in nature.

shaping Israel’s youth

Partake in the shaping of Israel’s youth, prepare them for good citizenship, and teach the meaning of giving and contribution.

Core Values

Address humanity’s and society’s core values with an emphasis on dignity, listening, giving, and humility.


Become a leader in the fields of hiking and expeditions, alongside promoting and enhancing human-nature relationships:
- with emphasis on geography, history, and the love for the land.
- help build a generation of willing and committed ambassadors who act for and respect the


Support, in particular, those children and youth who feel unworthy or less than others; because of trauma, life circumstances, health or developmental issues, unsupportive environments at school, at home, or among peers which have disrupted their self-worth and self-efficacy.

Children don’t remember words they remember experiences and how they felt

Therefore, experiential learning is a Shvilim Center’s premise. Whether in a private session or a group, hands-on experiencing physical, mental, and emotional challenges cultivate better internalization and learning the lessons from an experience or event.


We established Shvilim Center with complete faith and belief that any person at any age - children, youth, and adults - can change.
As Prof. Reuven Feuerstein (Bar Ilan University) said, “Human beings are changing entities.”

Self-efficacy is one of the center’s pillars - the perception a person carries about his or her ability to behave, perform, and act in a certain way that will lead to, or yield a particular outcome.
Or, in other words: a person’s belief in their ability to carry out an assignment.

Four corresponding stages weaved into and throughout the process form the Shvilim Center Model:

Stage one - building self-efficacy
Through completion of tasks that include functional coping, experiencing, experimenting, mimicking another person’s behavior (role modeling), and using verbal encouragement; the mediator is perceived as both authority and a significant figure.
Stage two - discomfort and fear as change agents
This stage of the model is crucial, and where true change catalyzes. It combines imparting cognitive patterns that help manage the emotions; fear, sense of danger, and elation which are triggered when stepping out of the comfort zone. The outcome - children undergo a favorable, independent experience. “Although children have an existential, sensual need to taste danger and enthusiasm, it does not mean they should be engaged in dangerous activities. However, they do need to feel they are taking a tremendous risk. It frightens them, but then they overcome fear and understand a thing or two about themselves. When they are left to themselves, they take full responsibility for their actions and the implications - an exciting experience.” (Hannah Rosen, 2012)
Stage three - Choice
Even though everything we do is following a decision-making and choice process not all our choices are conscious. Some are, yet others are not. Getting up in the morning is a choice, brushing our teeth is a choice behaving one way or another is always a choice, and so are being angry, choosing to shout, fight, or cry - these are all choices we make. Working with the children, we show them how for every problem or deliberation there is always more than one answer or solution and that we can, and must learn to choose.
Stage four - taking responsibility for our decisions, choices, and actions while understanding their meaning and implications
At this stage, we show and reflect how every action, behavior, or statement triggers a response that brings about a shift. The shift can be a positive shift or a negative one. Therefore, each person in a group should be aware of themselves; seek and find the way to acknowledge their emotions, and learn how to share them in a way that does not hurt other people. At this stage, we show and reflect how every action, behavior, or statement triggers a response that brings about a shift. The shift can be a positive shift or a negative one. Therefore, each person in a group should be aware of themselves; seek and find the way to acknowledge their emotions, and learn how to share them in a way that does not hurt other people.



Somewhere in between arrogance and self-deprecation; humility is a quality that delivers all the messages without having to use words.


Stick to the truth and confront the children with the implications of their behavior. Simultaneously, provide a value-oriented backbone that inspires courage, self-esteem and includes taking responsibility for one’s actions.


Always find that place in the heart to help someone in need. Show empathy and take action. We encourage and embrace the values of respect and tolerance between all people, as well as develop the ability to give and help others.

Role modeling

The virtue of virtues - our conduct affects the conduct of others.
Our language impacts theirs; and our dreams brighten other people’s dreams.


Dare with knowing the limits. Respect and be respected. Help build an environment that bridges between people and cultures, everywhere and at all times.


Feel wonderful about doing something for someone, and learn to give with no desire to get in return.


Telling the truth brings peace. There is no need to defend ourselves, lie, or try to reconstruct events.

Common questions

What we offer?
  1. Non-formal education activities for groups of children and youth in communities, towns, and villages.
  2. Experiential and empowering group and individual sessions for children, youth, and adults in nature.
  3. Professional work with teachers and educational staff in schools.
  4. Host for workshops on various educational, spiritual, and philosophical topics
  5. Wilderness expeditions - going out to nature; triggering change in the inner space
Who is it for?
The Shvilim Center programs develop skills and abilities on two levels: The group level Learning social skills, and belonging to a group enhances self-awareness to behavior. Shvilim Center’s activities cultivate confidence, positive self-perception, and empower growth groups that meet weekly or biweekly. In the meetings, the group addresses a challenge; the instructor will give the group a task (can be physical, mental, or emotional), or tell a story. In the second part of the session, the group discusses and shares feelings, emotions, and thoughts. Every task or story teaches about dynamics in the group whereas dealing with and overcoming challenges foster leadership, support group decision-making processes, as well as team and trust building. Radiating understanding and empathy, helping participants process the experience instructors reflect and provide positive reinforcement at the right time and amount. Both parts of the session are carefully and attentively mediated allowing for choice and creation. The personal level Children with social and emotional difficulties often live with a sense of failure that hampers their self-esteem. These children tend to be more sensitive than others and are likely to reject outright any idea of taking on a challenge or trying something out. First and foremost, these children need a place in which they can express themselves, experience, and strengthen without fear of what people will think or say. Shvilim Center tailors a personal nature-based therapy and coaching plan for each child. During a series of sessions, we get to know each other and build trust. Slowly but surely, step-by-step, children get the opportunity to lead as they understand, time and again, that success is possible. Results are surprisingly fast; inspiring the children and filling them with pride. Experiencing success infuses courage and motivates them to dare also in social settings that involve other children.
We believe
We believe in an educational process that is instructional and impactful; a process that not only directs and builds but also provides the space required for personal growth. Our role is to reflect and mediate situations and circumstances; to shed light on certain aspects, to expand the experience and nurture the creation of insight and understanding towards oneself and peers. To offer alternatives for organizing young adults’ emotions and thoughts in a way that supports awareness and choice of behavior. As educators, our role isn’t necessarily to provide answers or solutions but rather let the children grapple with the problem or question as they try to find solutions and answers themselves. Dealing with challenges, children develop problem-solving skills, qualities like restraint, flexibility, and attentiveness, as well as communication and negotiations competencies, and the ability to reach common understanding and agreement.

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